Container Repairs

Before sea containers can be professionally repaired, a competent damage assessment is required, as well as the qualified preparation of a cost estimate. International standards such as UCIRC, IICL and specific customer criteria are applied in the area of container inspection so that repairs can be carried out professionally in accordance with these criteria.

For many years, we have been repairing all types of containers in a qualified, fast and cost-effective manner and our many years of experience pay off particularly in the area of major damage, for example to refrigerated containers and other special equipment such as flat racks and open-top containers.

On-time repairs and responding flexibly to our customers’ requirements are a matter of course for us.

Container maintenance
Regular maintenance of sea containers is important to ensure safety and functionality. In addition to a visual inspection (detection of rust and damage), a structural inspection (inspection of load-bearing elements) is also carried out. Necessary repairs are carried out in consultation with the customer.

Container cleaning
CMR has its own washing area with modern equipment that meets all current environmental requirements. The wash water is cleaned in a cycle with the help of a waste water treatment plant. 10 containers can be cleaned in parallel so that we can flexibly meet our customers’ requirements.

The use of modern and ecologically compatible washing agents in combination with powerful steam pressure washers makes it possible to clean almost all heavy soiling on the containers (with the exception of IMO soiling).

First contact
You are not yet a customer and need information or an initial consultation on the subject of repair and maintenance? Please feel free to contact us.

Containerreparatur Hamburg
Your contact person

Christian Duggen

Phone: +49 40 – 751 988-13
Fax: +49 40 – 751 988-24
Mobile: +49 163 – 751 9879